
Irina Baldueva

Member of the Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists (RAACI), Russian Society of Oncologists-Chemotherapeutists (RUSSCO), Regional public organization «Petersburg cancer research society», American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), European Association of Dermato Oncology. 
Editorial member of the magazine «Russian Biotherapeutic Journal». 
Associate Professor of the department of clinical laboratory diagnostics
Head of the scientific department of oncoimmunology
Doctor of medical sciences

Main specialization

Oncology / Allergology / Immunology


  • Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute.

Sphere of practical interests

Development and approbation of new methods of immunotherapy for patients with solid tumors, based on the immunobiological features of the disease, with the aim of finding new approaches to the standard treatment of malignant neoplasms. Advanced advisory-diagnostic admission of patients of oncoimmunological and immunopathological profile. Dispensary observation of patients with melanoma, soft tissue sarcomas, etc.

Professional achievements and experience:

  • In 1996 Has received the diploma of the candidate of medical sciences on specialties oncology and allergology and immunology. 
  • In 2009 has received the diploma of the doctor of medical sciences on specialties oncology and allergology and immunology. 
  • Advanced training in the specialty (internship) abroad: Germany, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, University Medical Center (year 1993), Austria, University of Vienna, medical faculty (year 1998), France, Institute of Oncology named after Gustav Russi, department of experimental and clinical immunology (year 2002), Great Briatin, Loughborough, Centre for Biological Engineering (years 2012 – 2013).
  • Head of the scientific department of oncoimmunology in SMRC Oncology named after N.Petrov; employee of the department of chemotherapy and innovative technologies in SMRC Oncology named after N.Petrov; Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the North-West State Medical University. named after I. Mechnikov in the section of advancing professional education «Immunology», «Oncoimmunology». 
  • Received an honorary certificate for merits in the area of healthcare and long-term conscientious work from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 
  • Received gratitude for many years of conscientious work in the healthcare system of St.-Petersburg and in connection with the 85th foundation anniversary of the Federal State Budget Institution « SMRC Oncology named after N. Petrov » Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from the Government of St.-Petersburg. 
  • Has experience in managing state and international scientific projects (more than 15).   
  • Has 6 patents and permits for new medical technologies: Permission to apply new medical technology « Immunotherapy with bone marrow precursors of dendritic cells sensitized with photo modified tumor cells in vivo, in patients with disseminated solid tumors ». 

Publications, articles: more than 200 scientific publications, also in foreign editions.

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