
Cross-sectoral Scientific and Technical Complex "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S. Fyodorov

CSTC «Eye Microsurgery» is the largest medical complex in Russia, in which are engaged in the treatment of various eye diseases. Head Quaters of CSTC are based in Moscow. In addition, 10 branches are located in different cities of Russia.

The Complex has been operating since 1986. Within its walls there are professors, doctors of medical sciences, candidates of medical sciences. CSTC includes 5 treatment departments, 11 scientific and clinical departments, 6 scientific and organizational departments.

Having in its arsenal high-tech advanced equipment, specialists of the Center provide medical services for the following eye diseases:

  • cataract;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • tumor diseases of the eyes;
  • hyperopia;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • eye diabetes;
  • eye cornea diseases;
  • diseases of the optic nerve and optic pathway;
  • opacity of the vitreous.
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